Monday, July 28, 2008

"What if I Choose now?"

What if the garage was cleaned
and the old carpet disposed of and the wood refinished?

What if the paint was touched up
and everything was in its place?

What if my blog was a success
and my books were published?

What if I could run five miles
and adored my vegetables?

What if my husband surprised
me with a Tiffany bracelet?

What if my children were happy
and fulfilled and my parents on their own?

Would I be any happier than
I can be right now?

Now is where I choose my happiness
the rest is just a footnote of time.

If that thought gives you a slight
sinking feeling then you

have just come face to face
with eternity.

Eternity is the everpresent
tide of joy we ride on as

we spin our tales of living.
Now is the time to let go

and float on that swell
of delight in my bosom

that I thought was indigestion,
that unknown tickle

I feel underlying my daily
choices is who I am.

How can illusions satisfy
when I am the truth?

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