Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"A Pillar and A Puddle"

I'm a pillar
and I'm a puddle.

A shining saint
who's in a muddle.

I clear a space
for contemplation

yet end up crying,
my great temptation.

"Not enough?" cried the pillar
as it held the world in place.

"Not enough" sighed the puddle
who rushed to fill the space.

All at once the sky crackled
with delightening.

And though it all seemed
very frightening

the pillar and the puddle
formed an extraordinary huddle

and together shouted
"Not Enough!"

Until the Universe shook
with gales of laughter.

"Not enough?" the voice
said quite lovingly, "After

all I did to show my love,
from deep below and up above,

and you still want

"More!" the pillar and the puddle
cried together, linked arms and grinned again.

I'm a pillar
and I'm a puddle.

A shining saint
who's in a muddle.

1 comment:

Camp Director said...

I know both the pillar strong and straight; and the puddle, sweet and flowing. They represent the power and grace that heaven gives to special children!