Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I Am Always Following"

I am always following You
but sometimes I forget

as I manage, again, to
manufacture a golden image

that I place in front of my eyes
and I think that is what I follow.

This, of course, is terrifying,
to follow this lifeless lump of gold.

So I think the only way
is to figure out how to lead

myself to safety, thinking
I have been abandoned.

What sure relief to see the idols
melt gently away and to see

Your shining, smiling face
just up ahead beckoning

in such love that I am
instantly restored to grace

and surefootedness following
the truth of who I am.

"I Would Not Lead"

I cannot repair my ego
with my tool kit of time and space

or with questions, rules
and understanding.

My ego can but be forgiven
for the simple fact of

not being real or true in any way.
For this I now know

I merely follow One Who Knows
the way, for I cannot lead.

It isn't that I should not lead,
but that I cannot lead.

Unreality cannot in any way
lead reality.

What is false cannot in any
way lead the truth.

The blind cannot lead
the One Who Sees All.

Death cannot lead life
nor hate love.

Therefore, today, and
tomorrow and then again and again.

I will merely choose to follow
for I would not lead.