Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Unwrapping Presence"

I kept seeing I had a choice
of whether to decide myself
or ask for help and direction.

Every time I chose a nanosecond
of holy help, a small decision

I could not make presented itself
easily like your Mother handing
you the next birthday present to unwrap.

The funny thing was that each
decision was the same:

"Unwrap the gift"

Each gift was wrapped exquisitely
in tears, or cupcakes or unwelcome guests,

yet the decision to receive
the gifts was all it took

for the perfection of the moment
to be revealed and this

morning I sit quietly
in the pale blue dawn in wonder

and gratitude at the bounty
of yesterday.

Are all days like that?
An unending stream of

gifts and my only decision
is whether to unwrap them

or not?

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