Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Please Cry at Home"

There is no room for tears here
where we are busy forming treatment plans.

We have questions and answers
and tools and reason.

We cannot stop for you to cry,
there simply isn't time.

Our job is to mend your body
with everything we know.

Your feelings get in the way
of our busyness and routine.

But now I see you sitting there
alone in the waiting room.

Quiet and still. Trusting.
Remembering wholeness

even as your body tells
a different story.

I want to cry a river of tears
for the great Unknown Healer

to come and gather us both
in his arms and be home

where we can
cry together.

1 comment:

Camp Director said...

If only they understood the preciousness of every tear.

The person within is what is special and dear.